Bottle mouth syndrome, otherwise known as baby bottle syndrome, is a special form of tooth decay in children. It is caused by long-term and frequent exposures of a child’s teeth to sugary liquids, such as milk.
Children who use their bottles of juice or milk while they’re in the bed at naptime or bedtime are at risk for this condition. Bacteria in the mouth of toddlers then feed on the sugar and generate too much acid as a waste product. The acid then attacks teeth enamel, resulting in tooth decay.
Our infant programs in Georgia include necessary tips and techniques on babies’ oral health. These are important to know for mothers to prevent potential dangers of bottle mouth syndrome – infection, problems in speech, crooked teeth, chronic pain, and difficulty in chewing.
Parents should screen their children for different signs and symptoms of bottle mouth syndrome. These can include red gums, irritated mouth, toothache, white spots on the surface of the teeth, tooth cavities or holes in the teeth, and fever. You should immediately go to the dentist if these signs show up. Our pre-school in Loganville, Georgia likewise helps children maintain oral hygiene by teaching them how to properly brush their teeth.
At home, you can prevent bottle mouth syndrome in your children by giving them juice only when they’re thirsty and asking specifically for a sugary refreshment, cleaning your child’s teeth daily, and ensuring your child does not fall asleep with a bottle of milk or any other liquids, and training them to drink water regularly.
Oral health problems can be prevented if we, as parents, do our part in promoting oral care at home. Our childcare in Lawrenceville, Georgia is also a good training ground for good hygiene practices!
Enroll your little one at The Pangea Schools today!