Pangea Schools

Pangea Schools | Kindergarten Education center in Lawrenceville | Kindergarten Education center in Loganville | Friendly School

Easy Steps to Helping Children Deal with Tantrums

Tantrums are normal for little children, although they can be frustrating to deal with. There could be a variety of reasons why your child is having a tantrum. It could be that they are tired, hungry, frustrated, or uncomfortable. But unlike adults, Toddlers don’t know how to deal with these big feelings. So it is… Continue reading Easy Steps to Helping Children Deal with Tantrums

Summer Camp Programs for Preschoolers

Summer day camp can be great for young children and their families. These type of programs gives kids the opportunity to make friends, learn new skills, experience adventures, and get some exercise. At The Pangea Schools, we made sure that part of our programs for Childcare in Lawrenceville, Georgia, is offering summer camp activities for children.  Summer… Continue reading Summer Camp Programs for Preschoolers

Benefits of Pre-Kindergarten Programs for Your Little Ones

Research in early child development has taught us that ninety percent of an individual’s core brain structure is formed during their first five years. This program is designed to help nurture children’s growing minds during this crucial time. Here at The Pangea Schools, the trusted provider of Childcare in Lawrenceville, Georgia, we are the top choice of… Continue reading Benefits of Pre-Kindergarten Programs for Your Little Ones