Tantrums are normal for little children, although they can be frustrating to deal with. There could be a variety of reasons why your child is having a tantrum. It could be that they are tired, hungry, frustrated, or uncomfortable.
But unlike adults, Toddlers don’t know how to deal with these big feelings. So it is up to us “big people” to help them manage and teach them how to manage their emotions.
The Pangea Schools is here to give you a few tips on how you can support your little one. Take a look:
- Let your child take control over some things
Small things like letting your child decide what to wear for their Pre-School in Loganville, Georgia, or letting them set the time for doing their homework will help your little one feel more in control of their life. - Give them positive attention
Something we do at our Childcare in Lawrenceville, Georgia is looking out for good behavior from the students, and giving praises or rewards to tell them that this is what we expect of them. - Distract them
Children can have short attention spans, so take advantage of that. When little ones at our Infant Programs in Georgia get frustrated about one thing, we try to distract them by giving them something else to do, or we simply remove them from the triggers.
We know how difficult it can be to have to deal with your child’s tantrums, and it may take a few tries for you to effectively learn ways to deal with them. Don’t worry, we’re always here to help. If you need people to look after your child during the day, we can help. Dial 770-962-1960 to learn more.