What would the world be like if everyone was the same? Everyone is different but we work towards the same goal and that is all that matters. As early as Pre-K, we learn to recognize our differences, but what we really need to pay attention to is how our differences make the world a whole lot better; because it is in diversity that words like unique and special came to be.
Children in a Pre-School in Loganville, Georgia should learn the essence of diversity, especially when socializing with their peers. Teachers and parents need to work together to encourage youngsters to embrace diversity and use it to promote inclusion, equality, and equity. But how do we introduce and promote diversity among our young learners?
Here are some ways our Childcare in Lawrenceville, Georgia promotes diversity:
- Interactive Play
Our Interactive Program is designed to help children accept diversity and promote inclusion early on. We show our youngsters that diversity is beauty and strength by allowing them to team up and play with other kids. This way, they get to be exposed to different races, backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. We incorporate activities from different cultures like origami making, rangoli sand art, and more. - Open for Questions
Children are naturally curious about the world around them and instead of stigmatizing their questions about diversity, we entertain their questions and teach them how to ask them appropriately and sensitively. Guidance is paramount in all Infant Programs in Georgia. - Being a Role Model
Apart from the child’s exposure to diversity and freedom for exploration, our professionals ensure that they embody the characteristics we want our children to possess. We acknowledge the importance for parents and professionals to walk the talk when instilling diversity in toddlers.
Whomever we come in contact with, we need to treat them with dignity and respect. This is what we want to teach our children at The Pangea Schools. We work hand in hand with society in eradicating discrimination and promoting inclusion and diversity in the community.